
Version 1.20 is ready to download

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Version 1.05 News

Started by Dan, February 20, 2011, 11:27:38 AM

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The Version 1.05 is ready to download.

Here are the news :

On the CHORD SONGS screen :

- When you right clik on a mesure, a new menu with many features is displayed :
- Insert measure, to insert a new measure at that place.
- Delete measure, to delete the measure.
- Clear measure, to empty the selected measure
- Copy one, to copy one measure. The measure wil be marked with a small symbol
- Copy from   : to select a part of your song  from this measure...
- Copy to       : ... to this measure
- Copy all       : to select the whole song
- Paste here :  one the measures are selected, you can past them where you want.
- Deselect all : To unmark the copy selections
- Play from here : to play the song from the select measure, and not from the beggining.

New features :
- Transpose riff :  You can transpose +/- the song chords
- When the song is playing, you can follow it on the song chords screen

- Chord list is from A->G and not C->B
- When you resize the song chord window, the CLEAR ALL button is now displayed correctly.
- when you enter a section on the list, the list is now hidden, to be ready to enter the next chord.
- On the song chords screen,  sections are more visible and colored

Song playback :

- While the song is playing and go thru the variations with LINK feature ON, it will change for you the right hand sound. It is very cool if you want to play on top of a song chords grid, and want the melody sound changes by itself.
- When you load a song, If a riff is present in the song, the vRiff button will be lighted, if not, it will be grayed. You can still clik on it to hear a previously entered grid with this new style.
- Correction : If you save a song chords with only chords and no sections changes, an error occured when you load this style again.
- Correction : When you transpose the song, the grid is transposed too.
- Correction : on vRIFF mode, after the last chord was played, the variations were not changing anymore.

- Other imporvments and bug corrections  (Playing instrument on top of midifiles, possible correction for a chord recognition problem?, bass to lowest for Yamaha styles...)




Thanks Dan. You are a supper hard working man. I haven't even learnt the Version 1.04 yet and the 1.05 has been released.
I think you should introduce the vArranger to the Ztar website. I really want to record at least 1 song and show it to the Ztar community
but I haven't had 1 yet. I think I am the only one who use the vArranger with Ztar Z6P guitar midi controller. Both of the vArranger and Ztar are the perfect match for someone wants to be an one man band.
Thanks and keep up your hard work.


Hi Ninh,

Thank you for your reply. Yes you are the first one who is playing vArranger with a ZTAR guitar.
I am sure that the ZTAR users should be amazed by what we can do with vArranger.

We are all waiting your video to present us this strange instrument :) connected to vArranger



Hi Dan,

I am shocked.... :o

I was considering asking you to add the features I needed to simplify the tasks of entering chords and WHAT you had already done this!!!!!!

Oh thanks man you are wonderful.

And to top it off I was going to ask to if you could add the feature to have the beat follow the chords on the Chord Songs screen and Blow me down you
beat me to it. Ah man, you are just what we need in this world. A Bloody good bloke you are.

Thanks again and I'm sure there are some happy people out there because of your hard work to date.

